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Mahisapat, Dhenkanal, Odisha (currently), India
"Treason of Reason". I try to find out the reasons of my discomfort and I try to pen down a few thoughts. That's how I have started writing blogs...

My Blog List

Thursday, November 22, 2007

on freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is not passe. But we have newborn babies. Freedom of scientific speech. Freedom of expression of scientific thoughts and freedom of expression of creative ideas that draw upon social needs of a scientific and technical society.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Modern forms of organized ignorance and organized prejudice are Acquired Integrity Deficiency Syndromes of societies.
Blasphemy is the symptom of a disease. Its called Creative Thinking.

Monday, November 5, 2007

A scientists impression of a Higgs. The notorious Higgs hiding under unknown debris of "all" kind. Note its head and hair protruding out. Makes it easiler for us to pull him out of that heap of trash.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

In the world of Physical reality past is not past. A part of past builds up into future. A part of future had effected past. Its all like a rubber band. Its there, always, even if we are capable of looking at only one part while the other part is effecting the rest of it and things come back at us by its elastic nature.

One can conceive of our Universe, the part that we see, together with the extraneous as a sheet of rubber. No future, No past. Just oscillations. In my mind time becomes, then, a less fundamental construct than other variables we can think of. This is about intuition. And then there are ways to translate our intuitive notions into numbers and equations. They all sound very fancy and so many people have invested their whole life figuring out fanciful models. In the end they just add up.

In my approach intuitions are more powerful than fancy looking numbers. Because while the ideas tell us something directly conceivable and testable by experiments the latter don't, as much.

I want to carry this philosophy of experimental ways of finding Physical reality further and further down cos I believe if experiments are done painstakingly they lead to realities and structures and phenomenas just lying there, to be found out.

I believe my thesis would be a by-product of such an attempt. But the intuition I have gained so far from my attempts is the ability to believe what ideas will produce something that I will see and what ideas won't.

Why are such experiments to explore the physical nature of our universe so paramount to human endeavor ?

If you drive a car and hit it against another rigid object you might wanna know how hard it will affect you. You might not want to experience that real time. You might wanna hire some confident engineers to do the job in a laboratory. They will take equations that were discovered a century before and simulate the forces in a mechanical setting to give you answers that will be like logical umbrellas. [Or spherical cows !!]

But there are also forces and equations and structures we have stumbled across which we experience but don't understand. What they will bring us 100 years from now is something worth giving a consideration, an worth that runs into billions of dollars as world wide efforts of finding the deepest secrets of nature.