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Mahisapat, Dhenkanal, Odisha (currently), India
"Treason of Reason". I try to find out the reasons of my discomfort and I try to pen down a few thoughts. That's how I have started writing blogs...

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Humanity is incomplete without insanity

Humanity is incomplete without insanity !!
Monday, 11 am, 08 Dec 08

it was a Sunday morning and I drove to the super mart
I pulled out on the parkin lot
I saw this lady, clad in a white cashmere
She turned her blue eyes onto me
She had the gleam of a moose and the warmth of a blanket
She whispered, "Want a me...Want a me"

I rushed to the entrance of the store and looked away from the ........[ho]
She followed me

She saw me buying celery
I said lady I am no saint but can you keep the distance I need,

She had bruises on her elbow
except that she was quite mellow,
I said hello,
I passed a fifty,
into her hand
and said could be,
good me


Anonymous said...

There is no sanity without having insanity in this world ;)

Think spot of M. Dash said...

true...we just need to keep our sanity out of our vanity